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What product will never become obsolete?

  Identifying a product that will never become obsolete is a inspiring task due to the rapid pace of technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and evolving market dynamics. However, certain products have demonstrated enduring value and adaptability throughout history, making them seemingly resistant to obsolescence. While no product is immune to potential replacement or transformation, several categories stand out for their resilience and timeless relevance. 1. Food and Agriculture: Food is a fundamental requirement for human survival, making agriculture an industry that's unlikely to become obsolete. While farming methods and food production technologies evolve, the need for sustenance remains constant. Innovation in agricultural practices and the development of sustainable farming techniques may change how food is produced, but the demand for nourishment will persist. 2. Healthcare and Medicine: The healthcare industry, including medical treatments, phar

Cisco SPA 500 IP Phones Are Affected by a Security Issue

More and greater groups are selecting to make use of this sort of device to carry out voice conversations, even in many houses they've already been installed. However, these devices, like routers as an example, are not with out problems and a proof of this is the Cisco SPA 500 . These computers are suffering from a ;; security hassle that allows the sniffing of a communication ends without observe them .

As has been detailed, the security problem allows a third person to be part of the conversation without the need for authentication, being able to listen to the conversation without any of the participating endpoints being aware of this. In addition, you can find more helpful resources at popbom  The demonstration has been carried out using the sending of an XML file that avoids said verification and automatically introduces the two main actors of the call in the middle, carrying out what could be considered a Man-in-the-Middle attack .

Despite how alarming it seems, the CVE-2015-0670 vulnerability has only been classified as risk level 6 out of 10, also informing the manufacturer to take action. In addition, you can find more helpful resources at 

In addition to the Cisco SPA 500, so are the SPA 300

At first the problem was limited to only the first model, however and after carrying out a series of checks, Cisco itself has confirmed that it is a security problem that affects the firmware of several devices, adding to the list all those that belong to the SPA 300 series. Regarding the software, at first it was thought that it was version 7.5.5. the one that made them vulnerable. However, after a long battery of tests, they have found that all previous firmwares are also affected. techwadia

Although at the moment there is no firmware to solve the problem, the manufacturer has provided two tips to mitigate the effect of this vulnerability. The first consists of disabling the authentication using XML files, thus breaking the activation path of the security flaw. The second advice they have published is to create ACLs, that is, lists of IP addresses authorized to establish a connection, thus preventing an unauthorized address from communicating with other computers.first come, first served

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