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What product will never become obsolete?

  Identifying a product that will never become obsolete is a inspiring task due to the rapid pace of technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and evolving market dynamics. However, certain products have demonstrated enduring value and adaptability throughout history, making them seemingly resistant to obsolescence. While no product is immune to potential replacement or transformation, several categories stand out for their resilience and timeless relevance. 1. Food and Agriculture: Food is a fundamental requirement for human survival, making agriculture an industry that's unlikely to become obsolete. While farming methods and food production technologies evolve, the need for sustenance remains constant. Innovation in agricultural practices and the development of sustainable farming techniques may change how food is produced, but the demand for nourishment will persist. 2. Healthcare and Medicine: The healthcare industry, including medical treatments, phar

How edge computing can transform your business and make it more agile

 Edge computing: It's undeniable that this is a hot topic right now, especially in industrial environments looking to increase business agility.  smarttechnofy

In the past year, we have seen a clear shift in the frontier from a new topic to a more dominant trend. Increasingly, analysts and the media are talking about the benefits that advanced computing can bring to business. If you're considering an advanced computing strategy, here are ways it can add value, from lowering overall costs to increasing business agility.  smoothtechi

One of the main business drivers for HPC has been cost savings —  appleinfocom  both in bandwidth and the ability to provide faster, more accurate access to data at its source. When computing power is pushed to its limits - for example, a factory floor or a remote industrial site - less network traffic or bandwidth is required because data no longer needs to be sent to or from the cloud. Corporate data center for evaluation and analysis. Virtualized Edge Servers also provide cost savings by reducing the total number of devices required and therefore reducing the number of software licenses. The large end-to-end processing power also means that data can be analyzed and executed immediately. This is critical for industrial plants as it allows companies to detect equipment problems sooner rather than later, thereby avoiding unexpected downtime.  mucommucation

Another advantage of the new peripherals is their ability to operate autonomously and / or be controlled remotely. This is especially useful for companies that generate data in remote locations, such as oil and gas companies. For example, when an oil supplier has a problem with a device on an oil rig or in a remote area, if the peripheral is self-managing, it can communicate with the supplier and "fix" itself, eliminating the need to send IT staff to a remote site. This remote reliability also means it will be easier for non-IT staff to control a high-performance device that users are asking for. In fact, in a recent market report from ARC Advisory Group, 90 percent of industrial automation users agreed that as the industry grows, companies will need a simplified, modern infrastructure that can be remotely managed.  computerlg

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