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What product will never become obsolete?

  Identifying a product that will never become obsolete is a inspiring task due to the rapid pace of technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and evolving market dynamics. However, certain products have demonstrated enduring value and adaptability throughout history, making them seemingly resistant to obsolescence. While no product is immune to potential replacement or transformation, several categories stand out for their resilience and timeless relevance. 1. Food and Agriculture: Food is a fundamental requirement for human survival, making agriculture an industry that's unlikely to become obsolete. While farming methods and food production technologies evolve, the need for sustenance remains constant. Innovation in agricultural practices and the development of sustainable farming techniques may change how food is produced, but the demand for nourishment will persist. 2. Healthcare and Medicine: The healthcare industry, including medical treatments, phar

How IIoT Can Help Food Manufacturers Reduce Risks

As already published in the section "Food quality and safety"

To avoid the risk of recall, food manufacturers today use a variety of methods. One example, DNA analysis, can determine when ingredients are unsafe and can affect food quality or product safety. However, while manufacturers may have controls configured to monitor their own processes, they are missing out on specific monitoring across their entire supply chain, including raw materials through packaging and distribution, to help them recalibrate and adapt to this new visibility. The need for continuous monitoring makes the food industry ready for a break due to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). While this sounds like a huge undertaking, food manufacturers looking to implement IIoT will only have to consider a few key points before getting started. redditbooks

The benefits that IIoT technology can bring to the food and beverage industry are undeniable, especially in terms of fewer reviews. However, low margins and high competition are something food manufacturers need to consider before investing, which can sometimes slow or hesitate to move forward. superhealthiness

However, by knowing where to focus these efforts first and how it will pay off in the long term, manufacturers can make smart decisions when integrating IIoT into their existing processes. There are three key factors to consider:

Extend and prioritize existing critical checkpoints. Start with the areas that are most important to food safety and quality, such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP).

Ensure compliance with IIoT. With real-time chemical and spectroscopic analysis data, manufacturers can identify potential problems early in production and proactively respond before a product is produced and shipped. tophealthfitnesstips

Protect and use data to reduce risk. Manufacturers need to invest in systems that keep critical production and control equipment running smoothly.  fashionglee

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