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What product will never become obsolete?

  Identifying a product that will never become obsolete is a inspiring task due to the rapid pace of technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and evolving market dynamics. However, certain products have demonstrated enduring value and adaptability throughout history, making them seemingly resistant to obsolescence. While no product is immune to potential replacement or transformation, several categories stand out for their resilience and timeless relevance. 1. Food and Agriculture: Food is a fundamental requirement for human survival, making agriculture an industry that's unlikely to become obsolete. While farming methods and food production technologies evolve, the need for sustenance remains constant. Innovation in agricultural practices and the development of sustainable farming techniques may change how food is produced, but the demand for nourishment will persist. 2. Healthcare and Medicine: The healthcare industry, including medical treatments, phar

Positioning by Product Characteristics


Positioning may be executed the usage of product functions or consumer benefits associated with the product. In essence, the positioning method via product characteristics is based on offering a advanced product to clients for higher positioning. For example, Apple's iPhone indicates better sales and higher logo reputation due to product features. The Google Android cell working device suggests improved usage due to customer blessings, available packages, and others.

Positioning through product characteristics

The first-class examples that can be used to expose product traits as an vital element in positioning are motorcycles, motors, audio gamers, or for that count, most patron tech and sturdy merchandise. In those industries, the more features a product has, the greater popular it is.

A very famous approach in positioning nowadays is to put it up for sale product features that the competitor does now not have (USP). Example: ammonia-unfastened hair coloration (L'Oréal), odorless paint as marketed by Berger Paints. Product capabilities can be quick-lived and can be adopted by way of the competition. However, on a first come, first serve foundation, the first brand to announce its USPs, features and blessings is gaining more public attention.

On the other hand, there are several functions of the product that cannot be omitted.

For example, inside the toothpaste enterprise: all toothpastes should attempt for "freshness" and "better dental hygiene". These are the 2 factors that can't be left out in toothpaste. Therefore, these two product traits must be included in all toothpaste product communications. And therefore those toothpastes ought to be located with the aid of manner apart from the traits of the product. I've by no means heard of "Pepsi vs Coca-Cola" :). Pepsi and Coke are 2 manufacturers that cannot rely completely at the characteristics of the product to place themselves.


Effective positioning may be achieved with the aid of the use of product characteristics, that's specially proper in era products as well as in the consumer durables sector. However, positioning via product traits may not be appropriate for a few other merchandise / manufacturers / sectors.

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